
D.1 Gravitational fields


By the end of topic D.1 gravitational fields, students will understand and develop the skill to solve the problem on the following topics :


  • Kepler's laws of motion

  • Universal law of gravitation and forces between masses

  • Gravitational field strength

  • Gravitational field lines


  • Gravitational potential energy.

  • Gravitational potential.

  • Relation between gravitational field and gravitational potential.

  • Equipotential surfaces. Diagram of equipotential surfaces and field lines.

  • Orbital speed of satellites.

  • Escape speed from the surface of planets and stars

  • Viscous drag force and loss of energy of satellites

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IBDP-Physics Units

A.1: Kinematics

A.2: Forces and momentum

A.3: Work, energy and power

A.4: Rigid body mechanics

A.5: Galilean and special relativity

B.1: Thermal energy transfers

B.2: Greenhouse effect

B.3: Gas laws

B.4: Thermodynamics

B.5: Current and circuits

C.1: Simple harmonic motion

C.2: Wave model

C.3: Wave phenomena

C.4: Standing waves and resonance

C.5: Doppler effect

D.1: Gravitational fields

D.2: Electric and magnetic fields

D.3: Motion in electromagnetic fields

D.4: Induction

E.1: Structrer of the atom

E.2: Quantum physics

E.3: Radioactive decay

E.4: Fission

E.5: Fusion and stars



Thermal Physics




Mass and Gravitation

Nuclear Physics

Energy Resources


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